23 October 2008

and the award goes to ....

Here are the nominees for the Voluntary Group/Organisation award at the Central Coast Community Congress Community Building Headway Awards. The event was held upstairs at the Terrigal Surf Club on a night of wind and rain. Conditions were even worse due to roadworks by council and the resurfacing of the adjacent car park.

Undaunted, the nominees for this category all turned up and received recognition of their nomination with a certificate and a hand shake from Debbie Coleman newly appointed to the Department of Housing Central Coast Community Development team.

Both Peter and Kim were on bended knee in supplication to win the award.... and were successful. It was gratifying to receive the award on behalf of Kincumber Mens Shed and all the good work done by the team of "shedders". Quite the applause from the gathered crowd acknowledging all the fine work by the Kincumber Men's Shed.

Separately, Peter and Kim were also nominated for individual award for an Individual in a Voluntary Capacity. They were even accompanied by Stretch Ross on this occasion, our friendly concreter from the shed. None of the chaps won this award which was taken out by Yvonne Lamont of the WoW girls.

Food and drinks flowed freely until all were brave enough to venture into the inclement weather and travel homeward.

Further photos of nominees and award winners can be found here.

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