01 September 2008

Tool Time

As the shed has become a little more organised there are now interesting displays of tools. Just to have them organised in racks on the wall, helps to locate the right tool when its required.

Who knew that such utilitarian displays would have such artistry.

Displays of saws and clamps, chisels and screwdrivers all make for an atmosphere of industrious and skilled craftsmen.

All one colour or multicoloured, gathered in one spot there is a chance to see a which tool, among the many will suit the job at hand. Or indeed, which tool is missing, misplaced, lost or being used.

Turned wooden handles, lacquered or painted, plastic and steel theres such a range of colour and texture .. perhaps we need a resident artist to use those easels and capture the atmosphere of shedding ... or just some photos that show the amazing Kincumber Men's Shed to its best advantage.

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