26 September 2007

Gen-Y conversation

Some discussion in the Toolbox Meeting indicated that inter-generational communication presents a problem for members of the Kincumber Men's Shed.

Peter Jessop discussed the issue with Youth Connections who offered to invite some Generation-Y to the shed for a morning tea. The idea being that these Gen-Yers might be able to educate the older chaps on the thinking and issues that motivate and engage their generational(Y) cohort.

The men of The Shed spent an interesting and educational couple of hours over coffee and cake having their questions answered and learning new ways to understand the world from these very articulate (and patient) members of Gen-Y.

As identified at the 2007 Mens Shed Annual Conference, engaging older men in education needs to be done in innovative and relevant ways. Thanks to Peter, Youth Connections and our visitors for providing this opportunity for learning and growth among The Shed members.

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