I have been given the honor of presenting an award on the occasion of the official opening of the Kincumber Mens Shed Garden. At one of out Tool Box meetings it was discussed in our usual democratic way, it would be nice to establish a garden at the shed.
From memory I believe it was Ernie Lawson who first promoted the idea. As is very often the way, at our Toolbox meetings, one has to be careful, as the instigator of an idea, usually gets the job to do. This was the case with Ernie, he puts his hand up quite a lot at our meetings with
some thought provoking comments & suggestions, done in his somewhat devils advocate, humoruous & engaging way.
Ernie got the job.
He started at the back of the shed with some foam boxes filled with soil & planted seedling & cuttings. This went ok for a while but he was hampered by lack of watering facilities & a dry season. At this stage things looked really bad for the future of our garden. I think anyone but Ernie would have given up.
After the engineering shed was completed it was suggested that the space beyond the new section would be a better place to establish a garden. This gave Ernie fresh entheusium & with the help of the Community Service guys, along with Joe Homer with the Bob Cat, John obtaining a tank Alan, Kevin, Doug, Hopper & many others with help & advice he brought the garden to its present state & with great prospects for the future.
Ernie, we love your company, we love what you have done with our Garden & would like to present this award & ask you to unveil the Plaque & open the
garden.written & spoken by
Don House on the occasion of
Kincumber Men's Shed
Second Anniversary