13 November 2005
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Cottage Meeting
01 October 2005
21 June 2005
Make Friends. Live Longer
22 May 2005
Shed houses support for rural men
Shed houses support for rural men
Posted Sun May 22, 2005 6:33am AEST
A campaign has begun in rural New South Wales to establish a series of men's sheds where retired or lonely men can gain skills, friendship and help.
Representatives of nearly 20 towns from around the state have attended a seminar at Grenfell, in the state's central-west, to see how a men's shed is operating in a disused railway goods shed.
Men from the town are provided with tools and equipment, a lounge area to relax in, as well as health advice and counselling.
Organiser Len Wallace says many Australian blokes need a shed, particularly as the drought takes hold.
"There's a lot happening out there, emotionally and in people's lives which hasn't surfaced yet," he said.
"You know, guys are not real good at getting some things off their chest.
"There's a lot of pressure on a lot of fellas out there at the moment."
Mr Wallace says the idea is not just for rural areas.
"Men are men no matter where they are and they all suffer from the same issues," he said.
"From a bloke's perspective, their role in society now is basically undefined and that's more so with a lot of younger males in society.
"You'll find they no longer know what their role is."
30 April 2005
A bright idea
....and so the idea was born.