11 March 2009

Mens Group - The Movie

This Sunday there is a screening of "Men's Group" @ Avoca Theatre. For an interesting 4 minute "making of" the flick click here.

Looks like a not to be missed ... with a Q & A, following the 6.30pm screening, with the director of the flick. All the actors weren't allowed to discuss their characters with the other actors and some free forming allowed a chance for natural antagonistic situations to arise.

A brave, vulnerable and unknown territory for all involved.

Spread the word about the screening.

06 March 2009

Tag board

The display board for name tags is coming along. Sitting at the back of the shed tis just begging for finishing coat and a location to start serving its function.

No excuses then for not finding and wearing a name tag... as long as you can remember your own name to start with.

Mens Shed Traps

Ray has been hard at work manufacturing Mynah Bird Traps. Not content to merely produce these contraptions, Ray also has a marketing strategy in place to push them through to targeted customers. Ray has had considerable interest from the Mynah Eradication organisation and will sell them a number of traps at an attractive price. In addition, Ray will have the traps on sale tomorrow at the Kincumber Uniting Church Car Boot Sale. . . get in early .. these are popular items !!

Not a one product manufacturer, Ray is also developing a mousetrap as a complementary occupation in the metal shop. Taking trap the he bought over 30 years ago in a Produce Store, he is developing a better mousetrap as well. Look for this product next time you are at the shed or pick one up at the next car boot sale.

Kincumber Men's Shed doing its bit for the environment.

Ray already had his stand and promotional signs ready for the Car Boot Sale and keen to sell the products of his labour, promote the shed and make a few dollars to keep the finances in the black.

Shed on wheels

The Mobile Men's Shed is taking shape with a coat of bright shiny new paint ..

With most of the major metalwork now complete the structure will be clad and ready in no time for its role
promoting men's sheds throughout the Central Coast & Hunter region.